Mashurugwi, Zimbabwe’s growing menace.

A notorious gang of gold panners called the Mashurugwi has been causing chaos and havoc all over the country especially in areas such as Kadoma, Chegutu and Shurugwi. The machete wielding gang has been terrorising residents in these areas and even going to the extent of killing people. But who are the Mashurugwi, who is their leader? and who is their benefactor? We compile some of the jaw dropping and spine chilling things the notorious group of killers has done recently.
Zimdancehall musician Shinsoman was recently held hostage on stage by some members of the gang. Shinsoman said he was detained on stage for hours and made to sing the same song over and over again. He could not leave the stage as he was scared for his life. The artist ended up complying with the directives of the gold panners contrary to the scheduled hours that he was supposed to perform. Fellow artist Winky D had taken a sabbatical from perfoming in Kadoma after a gang reportedly gate crashed his show and bayed for his blood following the release of his song Kasong kejecha.
Mashurugwi were recently under the spotlight following the death of a police officer in Chegutu. The police detail was hacked to death with machetes and his associate injured after they tried to stop the panners from entering a secured mine area. Later on, after some panners had been arrested for the murder of the policeman, some panners stormed into a police station and had a heated battle with police as they tried to rescue their counterparts who had been arrested.
Mashurugwi were reported to have raped an 80 year old granny and killed her as well as murdering her 16 year old granddaughter. The sad incident left many people in shock and proved the veracity of the attacks by the group. Whoever they are, Mashurugwi are certainly wreaking havoc in Zimbabwe especially in mining towns and ought to be avoided at all costs. The minister of Justice said there is currently a bill in the making for rogue gold panners to be be given stiffer penalties and a shoot on site approach in the face of danger.