10 Signs That Your Kidneys Aren’t Working Properly

Your body will always report diseases. Often internal issues are seen from the outside.
1. Trouble sleeping
When your kidneys are not functioning properly, your body will have toxins. Increased level of toxins make it hard to fall asleep.
2. Headaches, fatigue and general weakness
When kidneys don’t function properly, they produce less Erythropoietin (EPO). This hormone plays an important role in the production of red blood cells. This then leads less oxygen to the brain hence causing fatigue.
3. Having dry and itchy skin
Itchy and dry skin signal kidney failure to maintain the right balance of minerals and nutrients.
4. Bad breath and metallic taste
Bad breath and metallic taste
are caused by too many toxins and contamination in the bloodstream.
5. Shortness of breath
There are various reasons for breath shortness from kidney failure to asthma and lung cancer or heart failure. However when the kidney. This is because extra fluid in the body moves into the lungs when kidneys are not functioning properly.
6. Swelling in ankles, feet and hands
One of the most common symptoms of kidney failure is swollen extremities. This is because there is sodium retention which causes swelling in your ankles, feet and hands. Swelling of the lower parts of your body can also signal heart and liver disease or leg vein problems.
7. Back pain
Kidney failure can result in back pain that is usually deep and located right below the rib cage. The back pain is often accompanied by feeling sick, vomiting, high body temperature and frequent urinating.
8. Puffy eyes
Puffy eyes are caused by kidneys leaking a large amount of protein into the urine.
9. High blood pressure
The kidneys have small nephrons that filter waste and extra fluids from the blood. If the blood vessels get damaged, then your kidneys fail. This then leads to increase fluids in the bloodstream.
10. Changes in urination
Your kidneys are responsible for producing urine and eliminating waste through it. Kidney problems can be indicated by changes in the frequency, odor, color and appearance of urine.