Josef Umdasch Research Prize in Austria 2018

Umdasch Group is looking for start-ups who develop innovative ideas. Submit them now and win a contract for implementation.
As an international company, Umdasch Group is always looking for new talents and innovative ideas. Therefore, the Josef Umdasch Research Prize 2018 has set itself the goal of generating and supporting innovative ideas from start-ups and putting them into practice within Umdasch Group companies: Doka Group, Umdasch Shopfitting Group and Doka Ventures.
- Up to five ideas in each category will be shortlisted and rewarded with EUR 5,000 so that they can be developed further
- The nominees will be invited to pitch their detailed ideas at the WSA Global Congress in Vienna on 21 March 2018
- The Umdasch Group will cover all travel expenses for the participation at the WSA Global Congress of one person per shortlisted team
- The best idea in each category wins a contract for implementation* with one of the companies of the Umdasch Group
- Guarantees that he or she and all of his team members are of legal age (18 years old),
- Guarantees to be an already founded company that can provide references,
- Guarantees to submit an idea/solution developed solely by him or her and guarantees further to be the sole owner of any rights or ideas with regard to the submitted idea/solution in particular intellectual property rights
- Understands English and shall use it for his or her submission and during all official communication,
- Accepts that there is no way of challenging a decision by the jury legally,
- Shall cover all of his or her costs such as internal costs for submitting an idea, any applicable taxes or fees such as with respect to Expense Allowance and
- Shall comply with all relevant and applicable laws and regulations.
DEADLINE: November 30, 2017
To apply and for more information visit here