The focus and heart of YaliCreatives JumpStart MasterClasses is to be able to help creatives with different skills and abilities to enhance them in their different areas and work, to help foster out transparency and governance in the public arena, which contributes to growth of the society.
JumpStart Masterclass by YALI CreativesAs a young Zimbabwean, you have the right to demand accountability and transparency from those in public office. YaliCreatives is calling on young Zimbabwean citizen journalists, bloggers, activists and creatives who want to sharpen their skills and learn more about good governance, accountability and transparency in government to register for #JumpstartZW 3 day advocacy journalism on Accountability & Transparency masterclass workshops being held in 6 cities across Zimbabwe (Masvingo, Mutare, Harare, Gweru, Bulawayo & Victoria Falls).
To register for the workshop in your city follow link here.