African attire craze adds glamour to lobola negotiations

Though always important, modern day lobola negotiations have now become a glamorous affair with creative couples dressing for the occassion. While the traditional white wedding is deemed to have originated from Europe, the African union known as “lobola” now features exciting trends which include putting on African attire given such occassions stem from African culture.
Given some opt for the lobola union while not showing keenness for a white wedding, it is understandable for modern day lobola negotiations to appear as an actual wedding occassion. African attire has in recent years emerged as the in thing with some couples dressing for occassions in similiar African attire fabric with the thrust being to illustrate chemistry and oneness.
Given Africa’s history of oppression the emergence of African attire on the African continent symbolises independence. While western clothing has been dominant on the African continent African attire has emerged as a viable option when it comes to dressing.
African attire has provided a viable option for the African woman given local tailors are adept to the designs providing consumers with a viable and affordable option when comparisons are drawn with the western designed clothing which many a time can be expensive.
While interest mainly emanated from women, men have also joined in the African attire craze given one can have a trousers and long sleeved shirt sewn by tailors. This has become a vital development in unions that exhibit unity by wearing similiar attire. Some top celebrities have even been seen wearing African attire with Beyonce Knowles being a case in point.