Zimbabwe’s top 5 iron ladies.

With the growth of feminisim and advocation of equal rights women have emerged strong and excelled in various fields. Gone are the days when being a woman represented weakness, restrictions and domestication. Here are some women who have mangaed to carve out their own successful destinies.
1 Pokello Nare
The socialite and business woman has managed to build her own career by launching a shoe line called Pokello pink bottoms. She is also enjoying numerous endorsements from companies that she is a brand ambassador to. Pokello is known for her lavish lifestyle mostly supported by her various business ventures.
2 Ruvheneko Parirenyatwa
Ruvheneko has managed to successfully stand out in the media industry which is largely male dominated. Apart from starting her own online show, Ruvheneko was roped in by BBC Africa on a women’s initiative. She is a guru in media circles.
3 Olinda Chapel
Olinda is not one to be dettered by negativity. She has mangaed to build her own make up range and has several businesses. She is also a dedicated mother to her kids and has shown that resilience and hard work pay off.
4 Danai Gurira
The Zimbabwean actress is based in Hollywood. She mangaed to wiggle her way up to the top in the midst of tough competition. She rose to fame by starting in the hit series The walking dead and continued to make a mark by landing a role in the Avengers franchise.
5 Madam Boss
Best known for her comic skits as Dudzai, Madam boss rose through the ranks to become one of the country’s most celebrated women. She managed to start her own make up and fragrance range and is now the brand ambassador for countless companies and products