There are simple tiny little mistakes you do that damages your car without you knowing, these little things you do every day are slowing killing your car. Here are 5 Bad Habits That Damage Your Car below……..
Here Are 5 Bad Habits That Damage Your Car
1. Ignoring the Parking Brake
Even if you’re parked on a level surface, there’s really no reason not to use the parking brake. Not engaging the parking brake puts the entire weight of your vehicle on a little piece of metal in the transmission called the parking pawl. It’s only about as big as your finger, so it can wear out or break eventually from holding all that weight. Using the parking brake evens the load, helping delicate transmission components last longer.
2. Suddenly Shifting From Reverse to Drive
Picture when you’re backing out of a parking space. The coast is clear, so you flick the shifter and start moving forward. Sound familiar? This might not seem so bad in the moment, but over time sudden direction changes like this can really damage your drivetrain. Instead, come to a complete stop before switching. It only adds a second of time and will save you from future engine, transmission, or axle damage.
3. Using the Shifter as a Hand Rest
Driving a manual transmission car can be great fun, and when you’re rowing through the gears, it feels natural to leave one hand on the steering wheel and the other on the shift lever. Don’t. Leaving your hand on the shifter causes puts strain on the transmission’s bushings and synchronizers, leading to premature wear. It’s best to keep both hands on the wheel anyway. You’ll help your transmission, and be able to take control if you need to make a sudden steering maneuver.
4. Abusing the Clutch
Lots of stick shift drivers do this one. When you’re at a stop, you keep the clutch pushed to the floor. That way you can inch forward as traffic moves, or be ready to take off when the light turns green. However, keeping the clutch in when you’re stopped causes its surfaces to scrape against each other, wearing them out and creating the possibility of failure. It also can cause damage to the release bearing, release arm, and pressure plate. Instead of riding the clutch with the shifter in gear, find Neutral with the shifter and let the clutch out. When it’s time to go, put the clutch in, grab first, and drive.
5. Carrying Too Much Weight
The more a car weighs, the more stress it places on its drivetrain, suspension, and brakes, and the more fuel it consumes – it’s as simple as that. Do what you can to keep your car as light as possible. We’re not suggesting ripping out the air conditioning or sound system, but clean out any unnecessary junk. While a few pounds of weight removed might only give you an extra mile on a tank of gas, it can really make a difference in the long run. Make sure your car is stocked with the essentials you need on a daily basis and store the rest somewhere else.