What You Need To Know Before Asking Stunner’s Daughter Out

If you wanna see a rapper mad, mess with their daughter. From Nas to JayZ and now Stunner, these rapper dads have made it known that nobody should try mess with their daughters.
We are not suggesting anything here, but considering most rappers’ reputation with other men’s daughters, it’s funny to watch it the other way round.
We don’t know what sparked Stunner to take to Instagram and let all the boys who think they can date his daughter know that if you mess up, you got one thing coming for you…”Stunner the dad”.
The rapper made a dubsmash video remaking Martin Lawrence scene in Bad Boys 2 movie and we must say he should consider acting.
He captioned the photo, “the day that buy steps up and asks to go out with my daughter….#fatherhood” We are not sure if Stunner is nervous for that day or he can’t wait. Check out the video above.