5 things you didn’t know about Prince Musarurwa#RIP Prince

Tributes continue to pour in for young musician Kuda Musarurwa who passed away over the weekend. Musarurwa succumbed to lung cancer on Saturday and mourners are gathered at Musarurwa village in Murombedzi. Fellow musician Pah Chihera had to cancel a show in Beitbridge whne she heard the news. She said she could not control her emotions. The two previously worked together in the hit song Runonzi rudo. Here are some things you didn’t know about the talented artists who passed away too soon.
1. He was only 31 years of age
2. Musarurwa has a musical background and his grandfather was an artist
3. He had to be hospitalized after returning from a tour to the USA.
4. Musarurwa released songs such as Gogodera and Chiga chikuru. He was lyrically gifted and was rated one of the best young musicians in the country.
5. During his lifetime, he toured various countries including tge USA