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5 things you didn’t know were illegal in Zimbabwe.

Every country is governed by it’s own rules and regulations. While it might be possible for one thing to be perfectly legal in one country the same can at times not be said for another country. Here are five things that are not recognized as legal in Zimbabwe.

1 Homosexuality

The Constitution of Zimbabwe outlaws homosexuality. It does not recognize same sex marriages. There have been efforts by the Gays and Lesbians Association of Zimbabwe to advocate for recognition of gay rights but they have always hit a brick wall. Whilst it is legal to be gay in countries like South Africa, it is a criminal offence in Zimbabwe.

2 Public drinking

It is also a criminal offence for one to consume alcohol in public. Drinking sprees are usually done in homesteads or at parties but not within the public domain.

3 Bigamy

A man cannot legally marry two women under the Marriage Act. Basically what this entails is that if a man and a woman wed and are registered and awarded with a marriage certificate, the man cannot later on have another wedding with a different woman and be awarded a second marriage certificate. This has not however, barred men from taking second wives under customary law.

3 Insulting the president.

The criminal law code makes it a criminal offence to say derogatory words against the president. Several people have been arrested in the past for saying words that have been contextualized as demeaning the president and his office. Musicians and comedians have to tread carefully when making jokes about the president unlike in South Africa where comedians like Trevor Noah can openly joke about Jacob Zuma or Cyril Ramaphosa.

4 Child marriages

The Constitutional court made a ruling outlawing child marriages. Even where there is unanimous consent between the child and the husband to be, it is not within the precincts of the law for such a union to take place.

5 Public indecency

These are acts such as intimate hugging,kissing or sexual activity within the public space. Of course acts like passionate kissing are common in public in countries like the United States but it is frowned upon in Zimbabwe

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