Jah Master forced to eat humble pie and wear the apollo jersey

Jah Master is trednig on social media after kicking a fan on stage. The zimdancehall chanter, who won the hearts of many not so long ago with his hit song Hello Mwari has since become public enemy number one. Jah Master was performing at an event in Bulawayo when his emotions got the better of him and he kicked a fan who had climbed into the stage to join him. He sent him spiralling downwards with a strong and well aimed flying kick Jackie Chan style. The singer has since had to issue an apology after social media went ablaze with comments.
Jah Master apologized to his fans and took full responsibility for his actions. He recently wrote, “Hello fans I’m very sorry. I take my relationship with fans very seriously and I apologize for the inexcusable mistake I have recently made. No amount of growth will ever take away the suffering I have caused. I will never be off the hook and I am fully accountable for my harmful behaviour..”. The shocking incident has since revealed another side to the singer that fans were not aware of. Jah Master has always been viewed as a sweet natured and humble artist and this animal like behaviour has been reprimanded.
Fellow singer Mai Titi also lashed out at the singer and insisted that he should change his attitude. She said anything could have happened to the poor victim including getting injured. Social media users have also been uttering similar sentiments. Others have asked the singer to keep his cool and not let the money that he has managed to get so far get to his head.