Jah Prayzah To Launch #Hokoyo Album Online

Leading artist and celebrity icon Jah Prayzah has confirmed that he will now be launching his new album #Hokoyo online. This comes after the coronavirus outbreak has lead to massive public gatherings being cancelled.
Dear Family and Friends of JP,
In light of recent developments around the world and in light of the recent suspension of Public gatherings of 100 or more people, we wish to announce the postponement of the Hokoyo Album launch Event for All scheduled for the 3rd of April 2020 to a later date.
We acknowledge and fully appreciate the need to preserve public health. However, we believe at such a time as this music can still be a medium of hope. We therefore will be launching the album via facebook live stream on Tuesday the 31st of March 2020, courtesy of our sponsors, Sahwira Events.
Our music has always been and still remains our gift to our numerous fans across the globe, we hope it will once again lift up your spirits during this time until we can once again meet and dance together.
Till then remember Tuesday 31 March 2020, 2100hrs, Hokoyo is coming
With love,
Jah Prayzah and The entire JP Entertainment team
Jah Prayzah