Mai Sorobhi appeals for help.

Charity Mtembe, popurlay known as Mai Sorobhi has appealed for assistance from all Zimbabweans to undergo some physiotherapy seesions after suffering a stroke early this year. mai Sorobhi rose to fame through her hillarious acting and great screen presence in the Parraffin drama series. Mai Sorobhi usually gave her onscreen husband a tough time and commanded great respect from all women nationwide because of the way she was able to put her husbnd in his rightful place.
The once gigantic Mai Sorobhi is now a mere fraction of her vivacious and curvy self. After suffering a stroke, she can barely walk and struggles to do basic everyday chores. The handicapped former television star has appealed for financial help in order to undergo physiotherapy sessions so that she can regain movement. She also wishes to revive her acting career.
Most people have expressed sympathy towards Mai Sorobhi’s plight. Others have called for major players in the media industry where the actress was so prominent to step in and lend a helping hand. Indeed Mai Sorobhi was a screen darling of many. Her powerful voice and strong personality captivated audiences back in the day.
Most people barely know her real name as her onscreen character became so attache to her real life. Mai Sorobhi is currently living with her daughter who is taking care of her.