Mai Titi pulls stunning peformance on Nash riddim

Mai Titi is trending yet again. The outspoken comedian and singer just racked in the numbers following her recent performance on Nash tv’s Nash nation riddim. She poured out her heart and soul on the song Survivor.
Mai Titi managed to get over 50 000 views in just 24 hrs. The record breaking performance has left social media users in disbelief. Speaking on her success Mai Titi said she was not trying to outshine Jah Master, whose song Hello Mwari has been labelled as the best ever on the Nash nation riddim. She humorously wrote,”Hello Mwari handiskuda kutsara Jah Master Mari lol. I just sang for fun guys…”. The streets of social media have however had a different perception and they have been comparing the two artists.
Mai Titi clearly nailed her performance just as Jah Master did. Her previous song Utange neni has also been making waves on regional platforms such as Trace Africa. She certainly has been doing very well on the music scene this year.
There have been a lot of positive reviews of Survivor. It seems Jah Master has some serious competition to face. Mai Titi encourages people never to give up in difficult times in her song. This might have been deducted from her own personal experiences
Nash tv has been offering a lifeline to most artists during this lockdown period. Live shows have been cancelled and this online platform has been giving artists an opportunity to show case their talent and earn some income. Mai Titi’s popularity is indeed growing each day