Peter Moyo remembers his father.

Sungura musician Peter Moyo shared an emotional tribute to his late father Tongai Moyo. The legendary singer passed away at St Anne’s hospital in 2011. He died on the 15 the of October. The singer had been battling cancer for some time.
Peter shared his last moments with his father. He said he had been sent to buy some buns and orange juice on the 14 the of October as requested by his father. He even posted the image of his father eating the buns and juice. Peter emotionally described how his father had breathed his last on the 15 the of October 2011.
Tongai Moyo used to sing with a group called Utakataa express. He was popurlar for his love songs that had lyrics that were deep rooted in marital issues and love. Some of his songs include Kapuka kanonzi rudo, Muchina muhombe and Munyengeri. The heavily built musician also put up thrilling perfomances at live shows.
He also collaborated with the likes of Alick Macheso. Tongai Moyo was a household name in Zim and his shows were always well attended. Peter followed in his father’s footsteps and took over the singing reigns. He has been releasing hit songs reminiscent of his father.