Prof Jonathan Moyo takes a dig at prophet and glorifies Delta

Zimbabwe’s controversial politician and proffessor Jonathan Moyo recently came guns blazing at local prophets. He said prophets such as Emmanuel Makandiwa,Walter Magaya and South African based Bushiri were in the process of ripping people off their hard earned cash but were failing to give back to the community during this covid 19 crisis. He said they had virtually made zero donations and questioned the authenticity of their calling.
Moyo however said it was better for people to spend their money buying beer because Delta had made a donation of US 6 million dollars towards covid 19 relief. Moyo is popular for his sharp tongue and does not hold back when it comes to speaking out his mind.
Most people agreed with Moyo and said prophets had a duty to give back to the country considering the amount of money they get from their congregants. They said it is during such difficult times that the traits of true christianity are seen. This comes amid allegations that prophet Bushiri has been asking his congregants to send him money via online platforms.
Most local prophets live lavishly and have numerous expensive items such as cars, houses and clothes. A few years ago, Prophet Makandiwa was sure by a former congregant for false promises after he claimed that if the congregant seeded his car he would get double blessings. Likewise prophet Uebert Angel was sued by a congregant for coercing him to give away his 300 000 dollar Bentley