Get To Know Tinotenda Chinyani ‘Mr Monash 2014’ With Youth Village

He is one of the hottest Zimbabwean men and he’s only 20. He’s driven, focused and humble, rare qualities in a man that handsome. Read all about Tino’s views on social media and growing up in the 21st century. Ladies you can thank us later, you’re welcome!
Please tell us who Tino Chinyani is?
Tino Chinyani is a young motivated man from Zim born and raised. Went to St Johns College all my life, taught me to be a gentleman and I got to meet a lot of influential people along the way but in one word I would describe myself as ‘different’!
You grew up in a Zimbabwe that had a lot of economical downs.What are some of the experiences you draw inspiration?
When things got really bad in 2008, I got to watch my parents make so many sacrifices, just being there for us and always making sure that we had food on the table. This taught me that its all about family! My dad taught me that family is the biggest and most important thing in your life.
What inspired you to pursue modelling?
To be honest modelling was nothing I had envisioned for myself but as I grew older people kept saying I should try it out because I had the height for it. As time moved on someone actually asked me to do a show for them and from there it’s something I got into. I like to have nice things and as I got to have more jobs I figured it’s a nice way to make money on the side. As time grew on and when I entered the Mr and Mrs Monash Pageant, I figured it was something I could do that could be beneficial to my life. Being motivated by my friends and doing show after show.
What are some of the challenges you faced?
Criticism at first was one of the biggest challenges I faced because people didn’t understand why this guy was always taking pictures and stuff. There was a lot of criticism from people but the more I did it the more I realized that this was a part of me and if people didn’t understand that then I didn’t have to prove myself to anyone.
In the beginning getting jobs is very difficult because you are not a well known face and people usually like to use more experienced people in the business. I later changed my agency from a not so-known-one to a very good one, I am now with Boss Models.
How did the opportunity with Boss Models come about?
When I was still new in the industry I submitted my photo’s to their platform and they didn’t even respond to me. As time moved on I did more jobs, my posses got better and I got more confident. My friend whose a photographer set up an informal meeting with one of Boss Models scout at a club, he liked my look and told me to send my pictures. The second time around they called me in for a face-to-face interview to discuss the terms and conditions, I liked how they had set it up and I signed with them.
What challenges do you face as a young African man in the 21st century?
The problems we face as a generation aren’t the same problems our parents faced. Social media has taken a toll on oral communication. I have been in a situation where I am in a room with 4 friends but we were all glued on our phones. As much as social media has made communication easier, it has grown to be a distraction from actually living in the moment. You find that instead of enjoying a beautiful moment we would rather pull out our phones and capture it just so we can upload it on Facebook or Twitter or Instagram.
Time management- Trying to balance Varsity, Working and having a social life is a very tough thing to do but I am finding that with time I am learning to manage myself as I grow.
Another challenge I would say this ideology of competing with people. Social media now has our generation thinking we are in competition instead of actually helping each other realize our dreams. I am noticing when people see someone who is doing well they start comparing themselves to that person. Everyone is trying to be the best, everyone wants to look better than the next and I don’t think that’s what life is about. Just try to be better than the person you were yesterday. We don’t need the gossip and the small talk as a generation instead lets help each other realize our dreams.
What is your favorite past time activity when you are in Zim?
It’s definitely going to the gym and school run with my younger siblings because when I am away at Varsity I don’t get as much time with them and I don’t get to watch them grow. Even catching up with my really close friends from high school is something I enjoy doing when I am back home.
Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
I see myself working, a stable job, trying to make money for myself, trying to save and trying to invest. Giving back is something I think about often and sport is something I have always held dearly in my heart! Even if I am not in Zimbabwe I would like to start a sports organization for the less fortunate. I would like to give them the education that they need so they can apply for scholarships abroad where they can be more exposed to opportunities.
Top 5 Zimbabwean Musicians?
1. Tehn Diamond
2. Stunner
3. Kapital K
4. Ammara Brown
5. Calvin
What do you look for in a life partner?
I look for trust, someone who can stimulate me intellectually and loyalty is a must. You can the most beautiful girl but if you are not loyal then it’s all pointless.
I am sure the ladies out there want to know if Tino is seeing someone?
Haha I am currently single
How can your fans reach you?
Instagram: Fresh_prince818
Facebook: Tinotenda Chinyani