Top 10 Most Viewed Zvirikufaya Videos On YouTube

The popularity of Zvirikufaya videos has caused such a stir amongst Zimbabweans. Although done in a comedic way, Zimbabweans all over the world have found a way to express themselves and connect with each other. One thing that is so evident in these videos is how much Zimbabweans love being Zimbabwean no matter where they are, they always find a way to stay in touch with their roots, whether it’s through music or our signature foods.
Some people have gone on to say the videos are starting to divide the Zimbabweans in Zimbabwe and the Zimbabweans in the diaspora, which would be sad but on a lighter note, whether you are struggling to make ends meet or you are really home sick wherever you are, we all suffer pain and we might as well find the humor in it.
Here’s the top ten most watched Zvirikufaya videos on YouTube.
1. Kunyenga Hakusi Kufaya muUK
2. Zvirikufaya Kumutsa Mota Nechigunwe
3. KuZimbabwe Tichauya Hedu Asi Kuno Zvirikufaya
4. Zvirikufaya Nendege
5. Zvirikufaya paDubai
6. Zvirikufaya Ndirimukombi
7. Kuno Zvirikufaya
8. Zvirikufaya Lady In A Lexus
9. Zvirikufaya Zimfun
10. Zvirikufaya na Comrade Chnotimba