Interview With African Rap Queen Nadia Nakai

Nadia Nakai has taken over the music industry by storm, with hot music playing in every club and hot collaborations with the likes of Naija’s rapper Ice Prince, you’ll notice her whether you want to or not. Nadia is about to release her debut album, she spoke to us about being a female rapper her roots and xenophobia.
Q: How is Nadia Nakai’s 2015 so far and how does it compare to 2014?
A: It’s great, onwards and upwards. I’m working on my album which is great! Super excited for everyone to hear what I got cooking!
Q: Is Nadia Nakai your birth name or stage name?
A: My birth Name is Nadia Kandava, Nakai is the name my gran gave me from Zimbabwe. I wanted it to live long so I made it my stage name 🙂
Q: When you discover you could rap?
When I went to school in Kenya, there was a hiphop festival at my high school… I feel inlove with hiphop them. Meeting Nazizi (a Kenyan female rapper) influenced me a lot… Plus I have always had a love from african hiphop. That was the first time I was really exposed to it. Even though he is dancehall vibes.
Q: Can you also sing?
A: No, I wish I could though!
Q: Did you make the move to S.A because of your music career?
A: Na I was born here… My parents are South African and Zimbabwean. Dad from here… Mom from Zimbabwe
Q: How is it like being a female rapper?
A: It’s very difficult and a lot of challenges you face since your in a male dominated industry. But reaping the benefits of your hard work is always rewarding!
Q: What has been the highlight of your career?
A: Definitely performing at the channel o awards.
Q: How did the collabo for your hit single “Saka Wena” with Ice Prince come about?
A: I tried hollering at him on social media, then I met up with his managers this side, I sent them the song to send to him but that time he was really busy performing in Dubai. So when I performed at the Channel O Awards I met Ubi Franklin MMMG record label CEO in Nigeria. I expressed to him my desire to work with Ice prince and he made it happen! Thank God! Ice loved the song! It was great having him on the song and shooting the video with him.
Q: What can we look forward to from you before the end of the year?
A: My new album! It’s out in October. Wait on it!
Q: Which Zim artist would you love to collaborate with?
A: Tehn diamond!
Q: What do you think about the Zimbabwean music industry, how do we rate with the rest of the continent?
A: I love how dancehall continues to grow in zim! Dancehall will always be my first love! And you can expect it a lot on my album.
Q: Who are your top Five Zimbabwean artists?
Oliver Mtukuzi
Tehn Diamond
Buffalo souljah
Queen vee
Q: Is it important to you to be recognized in Zimbabwe?
A: Yes most defiantly it’s a big part of who I am…But it’s difficult when I based and grew up in South Africa. I need to find a solid team to push my stuff back home as well!
Q: We saw you standing up against Xenophobia, it obviously hit close to home for you, how much effect does it have on artists?
A: It’s terrible for artist because we often travel to various countries to perform and we are always welcomed with so much hospitality and grace that it purely saddens me that we are not doing the same thing. Most of my friends a foreigners, I work with artists from different countries and the last thing I want for them to feel is not welcome when they are over here. South Africa needs to remember the countries like Zimbabwe that helped them out during apartheid it’s only right to return the favor. We are one!
Q: Where do you draw inspiration for what you do from?
A: Mostly the people around and my my experiences but definitely there has the be a good vibe in the studio while I’m recording!
Q: What’s your fondest memory about Zimbabwe?
A: Going to orange groove with my cuz to swim as my hometown is Chinhoyi! Not a lot of pools when I was in primary school lol!
Q: Who is your Zim celeb crush?
A: Lol I’m in a relationship, my boyfriend is my only crush!
Q: What’s your advice to the Zimbabwean youth?
A: Stay true to yourself and your values! Never let circumstances define your future!
Q: Who is your style inspiration?
A: A lot of blogger celebs! I take inspiration from everywhere.
Q: Where can your fans reach you?
Twitter @nadia_nakai
Facebook Nadia Nakai
Instagram nadianakai