No Music Video for Ex Q’s Nhema

2018 is still hot on it’s heels but it’s pretty clear that ‘Nhema’ will not have a music video. Ex Q’s biggest hit in 2017 seemed like it would be accompanied by visuals.
According to Military Touch Movement (MTM) manager Keen Mushapaidze, ExQ will not release a video for the smash hit.
The audio version surpassed 1 million views on YouTube. Mushapaidze’s logic is that due to the number of views there is no need for a video. He added, “In actual fact videos are made to promote a song and if you’ve one that’s big already what’s the point of making a video for a song that is already big.”
Fans might feel differently but then again nobody wants late music video.
Ex Q was meant to launch his album, Tseu Tseu, last yer in August. Unfortunately the launch was postponed and is yet to be announced.