Outrage over Harare city council proposal to hike water charges by 900%.

There has been so much rage over the proposal by the Harare city council to hike water charges by over 900%. The proposed increase is from 80 cents per cubic metre to 7 rtgs. Council has also proposed to charge those companies receiving foreighn currency for their services in foreign currency.
Many people have lambasted council for trying g to implement such measures to citizens who are already struggling to pay the current rates. Others have questioned the sanity of those running council in wanting to increase charges for water which is not available most of the time. Residents barely receive any water I Harare and when they do it always dirty.
City council has justified its actions by citing that an increase in water charges will see an improvement in the availability and quality of water. They said the current shortages being experienced in Harare are as a result of drought, inadequate water sources and an ever changing pricing structure vis a vis cost of production. Council has assured residents that an increase in water charges is a necessary measure that will ensure that water is made available to all. They said the increase in water treatment chemicals, electricity and other charges has given rose to the proposed increase.
Most areas such as Chisipite, Mandara and Glen Lorne do not have any municipal water. Those that do, such as Glen view, Warren Park and Kambuzuma only receive water at a maximum of twice a week.