New ITP Training On Climate Change

The programme will focus on how to integrate available #climate information in a correct way to carry out sustainable #adaptationmeasures, and therefore places great emphasis on the end-user of climate information, as well as on technical and hands-on content.
- Candidates representing government organisations, private companies or NGOs/CSOs at national, regional or local level are encouraged to apply.
- The candidates should hold an academic degree or have equivalent knowledge with at least five years of professional working experience.
- To achieve a good #gender balance, applications from qualified women are especially welcome.
- Candidates who have earlier participated in a training programme financed by Sida cannot apply for this programme.
The duration of the training is 10-12 months divided into five compulsory phases, out of which five weeks are full time scheduled courses/seminars in Sweden and in the participant’s home region. An important part of the training is an assignment which the participant carries out from home with distance advisor support.
Deadline for applications: 4 November 2018: