Tonderai “TK” Katsande Interview

He is the “big dawg” of radio who entertains thousands of loyal listeners every morning on his breakfast show “The Ignition on ZiFM. A talented and passionate entertainer,businessman, father and soon to be….farmer? Read about it all in this exclusive inspiring interview.
Q:How do you best describe TK in 2015?
A: Father of 5, Husband, brother, friend… the HNIC Head Niiga In Chhar
Q: How did your upbringing influence your career choices?
A: Have always loved art and creativity. Didn’t much of that opportunity till high school and even then the emphasis was on more academic careers… so had to swim against the current so to speak.
3. Why radio, was it passion or you realized you had the voice for radio?
A: Radio is a passion and my love for music. I am actually a television production guy, I worked for the SABC2 On Air Imaging & Promotions for a substantial part of my career/life and I view that as more of my profession. I love radio and I am so privileged to be part of the ZiFM Stereo family #ZiFam the rest of the details belong in the ‘it’s a calling’ category!
Q: You’ve experienced radio at bigger platforms, how does radio in Zimbabwe rate?
A: I certainly think we have something to offer the world, the fact that people like Tich Mataz, Tony D, George Munetsi, Peter Ndoro, Bertha Charuma, Sphie Chamboko, Alice Chavanduku the late, Brian Soko, Metaphysics, Makosi, Simon Parkinson, myself and many other have in a way been at the vanguard of leading regional broadcasters is a true testament to what we carry as Zimbabweans. Our youth, Zimbabwe’s secret weapon are the surprise package…
Q: Is there progression and enough competition in our media industry?
A: Its relative, however I strongly feel the best is yet to come
Q: Tell us more about DICE?
A: In my effort to expand my creativity and offer more beyond DJing, I created DICE an acronym for Digital Information Communications & Entertainment – we bring Spectacular Events Creations, hire PA Systems, provide entertainment DJs, Bands, Dancers etc, we are getting into content creation for the prevailing digital distribution channels including value edition & better prospective positioning for advertisers using the broadcast medium.
Q: Is there a Pop Culture in Zimbabwe or are we too conservative?
A: Yes! There certainly is a pop culture in Zimbabwe. While we expect it to be the same as what we see on TV or across the Limpopo, I can guarantee you that ours is very different. A good example is the Zimdancehall, I know a lot of people think it is just a phase that will fade. I can tell you for certain that it is going to evolve into a powerful culture of Zimbabwean urban culture not defined by genre, but by passion determination and a hunger for success. Look at Kenako Music, Soul Africa, the return of XQ and as more station and more media players come on board – our future is as bright as God’s promises!
Q: Where do you see yourself in five years, will radio still be in the picture?
A: I see myself doing something completely different, TV may be. Will always love radio. Farming too is coming up, I AM A ZIMBO!
Q: Who are your greatest Zimbabwean radio heroes, being one of them yourself?
A: Tich Mataz, John Matinde, Josh Makawa, Simon Parkinson, Miss DJ, Norah Chipaumire, Eunice Goto, Peter Johns, Kelvin Sifelani, DJ Munya, Bridget Gavange and many more…
Q: What do you enjoy doing when you’re not on air?
A: Being with my best friend my wife M for Ema, my kids TV and if I am not on that tip – the farm.
Q: Does your kids see you as the “big dawg” or you’re just dad to them?
A: Dad!
Q: What is it that you know now that you’d want young people interested in media to know?
A: YOU are the best there is and there is only one YOU. Be YOU. Do YOU, have fun, experiment, innovate and persist. DO NOT BE SCARED TO FAIL!!! TRY, TRY & TRY AGAIN. We are in a transitional period that is immensely exciting for anyone in media. BE INNOVATIVE.
Q: What’s your advice for the Zimbabwean youth?
A: Know your history but do not be it’s victim. Do not carry beef of the old. Where you are is not your destination. You are going somewhere and you are taking Zimbabwe there. The question is where exactly????
Q: Where can your fans reach you?
Twitter @teekay239
Email [email protected] The Ignition weekdays 6-10a C.A.T.