POTRAZ Fights Against Cyber Crime Through Mobile Phones

The Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (POTRAZ) will start to fight cyber crime through mobile phones. POTRAZ invited companies to bid for a tender to supply, install and commission a National Central Subscriber Information Database (Nacsid). This will ensure the pooling of personal records of all registered mobile phone subscribers in a central server. The data will be used by law enforcement agencies to safeguard national security.

POTRAZ claims that this is necessary in order to improve cyber security and prevent disturbances disguised as “democractic protests”. It is also meant to fight cyber-crime which has seen many people lose money to mobile money scams.
Nacsid is established under the terms of Statutory Instrument 95 of 2014, which – among other things – compels service providers to collect subscribers’ details and store it before activating any SIM card. Service providers are compelled to submit to POTRAZ all data they collect from their customers.
The data which will be collected includes full name, permanent residential address, nationality, gender, subscriber identity number, and national identification number/passport number.
According to the regulations
“The authority shall establish and maintain a central subscriber information database to be known as the Central Subscriber Information Database in which all subscriber information shall be stored.
The creation of database shall enable the authority to assist with the operation of the emergency call services or assisting emergency services; and assist with the provision of mobile-based emergency warning systems.”
The law also states that any person aggrieved by alleged unlawful use of his/her personal data shall have the right to seek legal redress.