Cassava hints at upgrading Steward bank digital banking platform.

Cassava has hinted that a major system upgrade is looming at Steward bank. The company recently published its half year results showing an impressive ZWL$ 3.2 million profit in its first six months of operation. Of that profit Steward Bank roped in ZWL$ 1.81 million. Cassava is now striving towards enhancing Steward Bank’s digital banking platform. Cassava already commenced an upgrade of its mobile and digital banking platforms aimed at increasing capacity, improving customer experience and providing world class value and service.
The project began with upgrading the Ecocash platform and efforts are now being made to improve the digital banking platform at Steward bank Clients are however hoping that the upgrade will be far much better than the one done for Ecocash which seems to have actually made the facility less effective. Clients have had to battle long queues to have their querries addressed ever since the upgrade with some losing money in the process. There is also optimism that the Steward bank square app rated at 2.7 stars will get some updates.
It is in dire need of improvement to catch up with more convenient apps such as those for Standard Chartered bank and even CABS. Ever since the Ecocash system upgrade, transferring money from bank to wallet has been a nightmare. Hopefully such issues will be resolved