Finally, Zimbabwe has electric powered vehicles!

Electric powered cars are finally in Zimbabwe thanks to Strive Masiyiwa. When the business mogul announced his plans to make availabke electric powered vehicles in the country most people merely brushed it aside and thought he was bluffing. The new Vaya Africa fleet was launched this week in a patnership between Masiyiwa and Steward bank. Vaya Africa tweeted,”We are excited to introduce #VAYA E-Vehicles as part of our agenda for the adoption of #Ecofriendly vehicles in Zimbabwe”.
Initially, Masiyiwa had spoken of a three wheeled vehicle in May but according to images shared it has since changed to a Nissan leaf vehicle. The electric vehicle has a battery output of 90 kw of power. Masiyiwa said the vehicle will have the following features:
1. The electric vehicles will operate within a 3km radius within the CBD
2. They will be recharged at solar powered charging stations by Vaya’s sister company DPA
3. They will have about 100 electric vehicles on the road at some point.
Masiyiwa has indeed chipped in at the opportune time considering the high cost of fuel and scarcity in Zimbabwe. Petrol and diesel prices have been shooting through the roof on a daily basis. The cars will hopefully alleviate the current transport problems in the country. Zimbabwe has been lagging behind in terms of development and technological innovation as compared to other countries. The initiative by Masiyiwa has been commended by most