Every individual who owns a car should take cautious measures if there is a bad situation like when a car is stolen, especially here in Zimbabwe where there is a lot of armed robberies and theft of cars. If caught in such a situation one must have a tracking device installed in his or her vehicle. Here are some of the car tracking companies which may help.
Telone (teltrack)
Telone partnered with Sanctuary Insurance for the provision of telematics insurance through a product named ‘treksure’ .This is one of the new track company which is reliable, it allows for effective deployment and timely re deployment of the assets to needy areas, provides the optimization of both the fleet and human resource, it reports fuel leakages, has profitability and cost management fleet lifecycle management and finally geo fencing.
Ziso Telematics Zimbabwe
It provides live GPS tracking technology and real time alerts if the car is stolen or high jacked .if the vehicle speeds at a not so normal rate and chances of accident are high they have devices which can be installed on the car and when there is a speedy situation one gets sms alert. Again the activities of the driver are tracked.
One of Zimbabwe’s leading provider of fleet management and tracking. It has partnered with car track which is in South Africa which is at 95 % recovery rate of stolen car by using their tracking devices. It is the only company which offers true border stolen vehicle recovery and they can also track large fleets such as trucks, containers and more.
This one assures peace of mind to drivers especially when cars are at parking lot or garages because it assures the safety of the car, not only does it protect the car from theft but it also protects the car from screeches with its alarm when the vehicle is scratched. Software which are available in this company are easy to use and easy to set with built in connectivity.it provides also own mapping system (devices works offline, where online devices are failing).
It provides cheaper services to customer, one of the car tracking company which pits customers first before everything and also has customer care and user friendly .it also has real time notification which makes fleet to be easy to manage.