
10 Things You Should Know About Chamu Chiwanza

Chamu Chiwanza is a prominent Zimbabwean entrepreneur and the President of the Affirmative Action Group (AAG), an empowerment lobby group that advocates for the interests of local businesses and entrepreneurs. Here are ten things you should know about him:

  1. Educational Background
    Chiwanza attended Kutama College and later moved to Qatar to pursue a Bachelor of Science in Business Leadership. He is also a qualified Class 1 Aircraft Engineer and became a Fellow of the Professional Managers Institute (UK) in Southern Africa in 2011.
  2. Early Career
    Chiwanza’s entrepreneurial journey began soon after completing his studies when he started working at a mechanics business. His first venture was Primetime Motors, where he learned the ins and outs of the automotive business, eventually leading him to realize the potential of selling cars to corporate clients.
  3. Affirmative Action Group Leadership
    As the President of the AAG, Chiwanza plays a critical role in advocating for economic empowerment and opportunities for Zimbabwean entrepreneurs. The group focuses on lobbying the government for policies that favor local businesses.
  4. Business Ventures
    In addition to his role at AAG, Chiwanza runs Cernic Financial Group, a micro-finance and micro-lending business, where he serves as Managing Director. His diverse business interests contribute to his reputation as a successful entrepreneur in Zimbabwe.
  5. Prominent Positions
    Chiwanza holds several key positions, including sitting on the management committee of CIFOZ (Construction Industry Federation of Zimbabwe) at the national level and serving as President of the Construction Industry Federation of Zimbabwe in the Mashonaland Region.
  6. Patron of The Shift
    He is the patron of The Shift, a monthly platform that encourages discussions and networking among individuals seeking business opportunities. This initiative aims to foster collaboration and growth in the business community.
  7. Controversial Remarks
    At Patson Dzamara’s book launch, Chiwanza made headlines for suggesting that only members of the ruling Zanu-PF party can achieve financial success in Zimbabwe. His comments sparked discussions about the intersection of politics and business in the country.
  8. Social Connections
    Chiwanza is well-connected in Zimbabwean society and is friends with notable figures, including Bona Mugabe’s husband, Simba Chikore. His network extends beyond local boundaries, linking him to influential individuals such as Nigeria’s youngest billionaire, Ladi Delano.
  9. Estimated Wealth
    While his exact net worth is unknown, Chiwanza is believed to be a millionaire and was listed among the top 50 richest Zimbabweans in 2015 by X Research and Intelligence, highlighting his success in various business ventures.
  10. Advocacy for Economic Empowerment
    Chiwanza is a vocal advocate for economic empowerment and has consistently emphasized the need for policies that promote entrepreneurship and local businesses. His leadership in the AAG reflects his commitment to uplifting Zimbabwean entrepreneurs and addressing economic challenges.

In summary, Chamu Chiwanza is a multifaceted entrepreneur and leader in Zimbabwe’s business landscape. His journey from a mechanics business to becoming a prominent advocate for economic empowerment exemplifies his dedication to fostering growth and opportunities for local entrepreneurs in Zimbabwe.

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