ZESA increases electricity tarrifs

It never rains but heavily pours for the ordinary Zimbabwean. As if the price hikes in food commodities and other basic necessities has not done enough damage, ZETDC has dealt another major blow to consumers. Electricity tariffs have increased yet again leaving most people dry mouthed. The power utility company dropped the bombshell recently.
The price increase sees ZESA tariffs go up by about 50%. There have been no changes to the consumption bands. New tariffs took effect from the 23rd of September 2020.
New tariffs
Consumption Bands kWh Price (ZWL$)
1 – 50kWh 0.74
51 – 200kWh 1.62
201 – 300kWh 4.41
300 and above 6.92
For comparison here is the old ZESA tariff structure
Consumption Bands kWh Price ZWL$
First 50 0.49
51 – 200 1.08
201 – 300 2.94
301+ 4.61
Most people have lamented the increase in tariffs citing that there is no corresponding increase in their salaries. Electricity has become such an expensive basic necessity such that people are now resorting to alternative sources of energy such as solar and gas. Company owners have also lamented the fact that an increase in electricity will lead to lower production as they cannot afford to pay such exhorbitant fees.
The power utility company has been crying foul over their tariffs which they claim are too low to even service their operations. Late last year, there was massive load shedding as a result of low water levels at Kariba dam.