Celebrities that bring art to life

Art is widely celebrated worldwide. The arts and culture industry in Zimbabwe is vibrant. Several artists have taken up the task of transferring their crafts into vivid art visuals. We compile a list of celebrities in the showbiz industry who are famous for bringing art to life.
1 Van Choga
As a music artist, Van Choga ensures that his work stands out among the rest. The zimdancehall chanter is popular for his strange theatrics and
Van Choga became an overnight sensation after his videos went viral. His super energetic dance moves and odd actions such as rolling in mud and dust, eating weird foods and dressing up like a mad man made him some form of super human from out of this world. This makes him one of the artists to put his own spin on art

2 Vimbai Zimuto
Vimbai caused furore last year after posting a series of her nude pictures on social media. The singer claimed that she was trying to emulate her ancestors who walked around naked and barefoot. Vimbai later on held an arts exhibition to celebrate her work. Vimbai also had tongues wagging at the NAMA awards as she put on a masterpiece of a dress in celebration of the arts industry. The singer has been posting various pictures in nice traditional outfits.

3 Queen Vee
She is undoubtedly one of the most stylish women of our generation. Queen Vee even won a fashion award in South Africa last year beating top contenders such as Bonang and Boity. Her video Vavengi revealed her inner diva and showed just how much she is gifted with celebrating art