Dealing with an unplanned pregnancy

When you realize that you are expecting and it is not planned, your mind goes through a turmoil.of emotions. Here are some ways to deal with an unwanted pregnancy as seen through the eyes of other women and experts.
It’s this switch of mind-set, explains Natalie, that allows women who choose to
continue with their pregnancy, the opportunity to recognise that there is time to plan. It’s a shift in focus from panic, shock and worry, to what you need to do to create the most favourable circumstances for aboth you and your growing child.Build your support systemIt also helps to have someone rooting for you.
You’re not alone – estimates put the number of unplanned pregnancies at a high rate world over So draw on the collectiveof those who’ve faced an unplanned pregnancy, and build a support system – from families and friends to online motherhood groups, websites, and various state and private counselling facilities.
Cheryl Cupido wholeheartedly agrees. Her first baby wasn’t even a year old yet when she unexpectedly fell pregnant with her second. “It was leaning on my support system that helped me to enjoy being pregnant and having a baby.”Talk about the tough stuff
Catherine’s partner’s offer to learn about her pregnancy, was also pivotal to helping quell her panic. However, initially breaking the news of her twin pregnancy was scary Talk about What you feel your respective roles and responsibilities are
How the arrival of the baby might affect your relationship – even if you are in a committed relationship
What you need from each other
How the baby might affect your respective hopes, dreams and aspirations.
It’s helpful to remember that both of you are feeling powerful emotions – especially fear and anxiety. So the more you try to understand each other’s points of view, the more you will be able to draw together. A counsellor, psychologist, or even an impartial family member, can offer beneficial support as a mediatoImportant considerations at this point might be
:Lifestyle changes required for a healthy pregnancy – including changes to medication, or stopping smoking and alcohol consumption.
Finding a healthcare facility for pre-natal care
Addressing the pregnancy with the father of the child
Assessing the level of support you have in your life
Examining the financial implications of the pregnancy and child-rearing.
Although some of these steps can seem daunting, particularly if you are not in a stable relationship, tackling how you intend to cope with the changes – with all the facts at your fingertips – can be empowering and restore some sense of ‘mastery’ over your own life, says Natalie.