Lorraine Guyo’s no make up challenge arouses interest

Make up is regarded as a fundamental in the life of a modern day woman. Without it many feel incomplete and uncomfortable in the modern day world.
Given a heavily reliance on it, popular comedian Lorraine Guyo recently embarked on a no make up challenge. The whole point of the challenge was to encourage women to embrace their natural beauty. Guyo took to her facebook and challenged women to post images of themselves while not putting on make up.
Responses were swift with Guyo applauding the natural beauty that the participants are endowed with. Since the emergence of make up women have been able to cover up some spots that are on their skin leaving an even skin tone.
While many may argue this has greatly enhanced their beauty, some men are more comfortable seeing their women without make up and exhibiting their natural beauty. Others argue while make up is essential, excessively applying it ends up defeating the whole purpose.
In Zimbabwe make up is popular with top personalities such as Olinda Chapel and Madam Boss being among those that encourage women to apply quality make up. In recent months ladies have opted for natural hair and the Lorraine Guyo no make up challenge could perhaps spark several women to momentarily shelve their make up kits in pursuit of exhibiting their natural beauty.
While african women have strongly become reliant on make up, natural beauty was traditionally a critical part of our culture. Some may argue going natural may be a key step to African women retracing their traditions.