Madzibaba buys luxurious gift for daughter and this is the reason why

A local apostolic prophet known as Madzibaba, recently made the headlines after buying his daughter a luxurious car as a gift. The prophet was so impressed by his daughter’s good morals, behaviour and school grades that he decided to spoil her with a Mercedes Benz ML 4matic on her 17th birthday. The girl was thrilled to receive such an expensive gift from her her father.
Madzibaba presented the car to his daughter in front of congregants that numbered several hundreds, bragging that he bought the car for his daughter to go buy bread at the shops. His gesture of appreciation has been commended by most people citing that parents ought to encourage good behaviour by getting tokens for their kids when they do good.
Others said it is such things such as cars that land most young people into trouble. They said if young kids could get accustomed to such things at a tender age, then there would be less stories of immorality. Madzibaba has been hailed as a good father leading by example.
Some however had no kind words for the prophet. They said spoiling a minor with such a big gift is unheard of. They even speculated that the girl would get into all sorts of trouble. It is however not unusual for the rich and famous to buy such luxurious gifts for their kids.
Members of apostolic churches are expected to adhere to strict standards and good morals. Besides the conservative dress code and modest appearances, they are expected to exhibit a higher level of maturity.
We suppose the 17 year old has been on her best behaviour so much that it impressed her father. Social media users have been commenting on the issue with mixed reactions