Mai Titi lashes at Extra large

Comedian, singer and business woman Mai Titi has a knack for clapping back at negative commentators. The comedian recently went head to head with fellow musicians Extra large on social media. Mai Titi is known for her sharp tongue and for telling it like it is without mincing her words.
Mai Titi expressed gratitude to Mudiwa Hood for supporting her new business venture. The comedian recently launched the “meow” brand that specialises in t-shirts and sneakers. She said that he had purchased six pairs of sneakers and two t-shirts to give away to random people that had tuned in to his live video on social media. She then penned down a heartfelt message of gratitude and went down memory lane to a time when the two would go to church on foot. Part of her message read,”thank you so much for standing by me kubvira tichiri kufamba netsoka tichienda kuchurch till now. I love you bro” to which extra large large commented,”maifamba netsoka?izvozvo makufamba nemaoko”. Mai Titi did not even try to mince her words when she responded,”@extralargezim Gara pasi”.
The massive clap back has seen most people responding with mixed reactions. Some commended the comedian for speaking out her mind and for standing up for herself while others said the response was uncalled for. Mai Titi is famous for hitting back at those that would have said negative things to her.
Just a few weeks ago she come down guns blazing at a follower who had said a remark about her daughter’s make up