Sekuru Banda confirms who is richer between Ginimbi and Passion Java

Outspoken traditional healer Sekuru Banda recently made his own thoughts known on the issue of wealth status between Ginimbi and Passion Java. The healer said the two are equally rich as they can afford to buy what satisfies both their desires.
The healer said the issue is not about numbers but being able to live a lifestyle that satisfies each of them. He said both men were living their best life and able to buy to their heart’s content, a sign that they both have money . The issue of the richer between the two had always been a topical subject on social media. Followers of Ginimbi have always maintained that he is the richer of the two, a true “mbinga” while those that follow Passion Java have hailed him as the welthiest of the two.
Both men have managed to acquire massive wealth and assets over the years. Passion Java has a lamborghini which he occasionally brags about on social media while Ginimbi has a fleet of luxury cars ranging from a lamborghini, a rolls royce, two Ferraris and several other cars. The two have been flexing their financial muscle time and again much to the amusement of their fans.
Social media users did not seem to buy sekuru Banda’s theory saying the issue hinged on Friday financial numbers. There were mixed opinions on who the richer one is