Top 5 words and phrases that have taken the internet by storm

The dawn of a new year comes with its own new set of words and phrases. People have become accustomed to street lingo so much that new words are made up at almost every turn. While words like twabam dominated last year, there is now a new vocabulary already in place barely a month into the new year. Here are the top five words doing the rounds on social media.
1 Porovhoka
Jah Prayzah made this word a household hit following the release of his song Porovhoka. The word is a pimped up Shona version of the word Provoke. Porovhoka has become so common to the extent that even young kids make reference to it.
2 Gore renyuchi
Outspoken man of cloth Passion Java made the headlines last year when he came up with the concept of gore regonzo. He has since declared this year to be ‘gore renyuchi’. This probably makes reference to the difficulties that people are facing this year such as the covid 19 pandemic, loss of jobs and the death of his mum.
3 Musoro bhangu
This phrase has been used many times to reprimand people on social media. If a person makes a nasty or lame comment, people usually refer to them as musoro bhangu. Normally, the phrase means someone with a big head.
4 Wawaz the reason
Originally said as What was the reason, this phrase became an internet sensation recently. A boy who had dumped his girlfriend without giving a proper explanation shared an audio from the girl in which she asked what the reason was for being dumped. She repeatedly said what was the reason. Comedians such as Ray vines actually put it into a song and the phrase has become very common.
It was a dominant word last year and continues to make waves up to this day. Bholato simply means okay or fine.