Transport crisis worsens

Transport woes have worsened in the country ever since the lockdown was announced in March. Most people have lamented lack of transport to get to work and other places for various reasons.
The crisis was borne out of the government ban on commuter omnibuses
Only Zupco buses are currently allowed to ply all routes leaving most people stranded. To start with there is an acute shortage of buses and there are not even available at all at certain times. Furthermore, the few available buses are incapacitated to carry the large volumes of people. One young student who spoke to this publication said he has to wait in line from 3pm to around 7pm to get into a bus. He only gets home in Mandara at around 8pm. This has become a dangerous habit and he has even expressed fears for his life.
People have also had to walk very long distances to get transport. Commuter omnibuses used to get to areas where the Zupco buses do not get to. The situation has become unbearable for most, especially those that ho go work on a daily basis.
To add salt to the wounds, the buses have hiked the prices. The current shortage of cash has made it even more difficult for people to get the hard cash required as bus fare. Such is the pathetic situation in the country.
Those in the civil service are better off as they have buses set aside for them in their respective departments