Who rocked it better? Exq and bae vs Kuda Mahachi and bae#Pregnancy shoot diaries

There has been a raging debate on social media about the pregnancy shoot of Exq and his wife versus that of soccer star Kuda Mahachi and his wife. Both celebrities shared their photos this week and social media has been flooded with comments about whose shoot was better than the other.

Kuda and his wife decided to go a bit risque and pulled off a shoot that could make professional models green with envy. Kuda’s wife Rosie decided to show off her baby bump in a revealing dress and also in some jeans and a bikini top. She really glowed with her pregnancy hormones and looked quite stunning. However some people did not approve of her revealing her belly, saying it was not very modest.
Indeed Kuda and his wife received quite a tongue lashing from down conservative fans who felt their exposure was too much for their liking.
Exq also shared a photo of him and his pregnant wife Mandisa looking all cosy. Most fans were not even aware that the two were expecting. Mandisa instantly won the hearts of many who fell in love with her covered up look and glamorous make up. Comments on social media suggested that this was what pregnant women ought to emulate. Their photo was said to represent elegance, class and dignity as opposed to what they had seen earlier with Mahachi.
Of course, people are entitled to their own opinions but truth be told both couples nailed their looks. The pregnant wives could not have looked any better. Such shoots have become such a common phenomenon and a quick browse on the internet would reveal as much. It is however up to the individual to dress according to their choice and to flaunt it if they feel confident enough.
Fans were generally excited that the two couples are expecting and said they could hardly wait to see the cute bundles of joy to come