Top 10 Most Popular Food In Zimbabwe

It is known that most countries have a favorite or national dish. Just like we do here in Zimbabwe. The following most food are the most popular foods in Zimbabwe. These are foods worth trying and word of advice, you should try them before you hit the death bed.
1. Sadza- Pap: The pap that comes out of maize meal and the way they cook it makes you love it but most people cook it differently.
2. Manhuchu- Samp: Samp is cooked differentely in many countries but samp with peanut butter is the best with tea.
3. Derere- Okra: It taste good with pap and you can not eat with some other foods .
4. Mubora- Pumkin leaves: This food is healthy and when you cook it you have to pearl it using your hands and then cook it.
5. Maheu: Most people drink it as energy drink and it comes from maize. It is a traditional drink.
6. Kapenta- Small Fish:You always eat those kapenta with pap because of dried small kapenta and they do not need much SALT and they will not cost you much.
7. Nyimo- Roundnuts:In Zim they usually cook it with different foods and different recipes for it to taste good but if you cook it without another thing it may taste good but not that perfect like with other things.
8. Soft porridge:You can do it as if you are making pap and put peanut butter, it taste good .
9. Nzungu- Groundnuts: This is good when you you eat along with peanut butter, roasted groundnuts.
10. Roasted grains:It is just like snaks when people are resting ,sitting and relax just eating the food and people used to call them[ maputi]