Youth Life

Prosecutor General Tomana Okays Men To Have Sex With 12 Year Old Girls

It seems we keep on going backwards with our systems in Zimbabwe. Prosecutor General Johannes Tomana says men should be allowed to have sex with 12 year old girls.


Zimbabwe’s age of consent is 16, we are already fighting to end child marriage in the country, what are the chances of succeeding when top legal people like Tomana are the ones okaying child marriages?

The General Prosecutor said young girls should be allowed to have sex or get married if they are not in school. “We have 9 year olds, 12 year olds and 13 year olds who are actually not in school, who are not doing anything for example. What are we saying to them? We say you can’t even do this (sex) when the environment is not giving them alternative engagements. What are we talking about?” He said

“You need to be holistic about it, if we educate our girl child universally up to for example, where they get to the age of 18 in an environment where you guarantee that they are not abused, then we’re talking!”, he continued.

Tomana said if most girls were to be asked what they really want they would tell you they want to be allowed to have sex after turning 12. He went on to say girls develop and mature faster than boys and people should be practical about the issue.

What are your thought on 12 being the age of consent in Zimbabwe? Is it fair for the girl child, what does that say about or future and don’t you think this will result in a bigger number of  child molesters?

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