
10 Ways To get Over Your Crush

Crushes are not only a high school thing, you’d be surprised grown people have serious crushes too. If you can’t have a crush you might as well have fun getting over them right? Here how to successfully get over your crush…for good!


1. Acceptance

It’s important that the first thing you do is realize, accept and acknowledge that you do have a crush on the person. Don’t lie to yourself by being in denial of your feelings.

2. Tell your crush

As scary as it might sound, it’s just a step closer to finding closure. Swallow your pride, go on and tell your crush that you like them. If they like you back great! I f they don’t then you stop wasting your time on someone who doesn’t feel anything for you.

3. Don’t be bitter

Getting angry is not the answer, remember this was never your boyfriend/girlfriend no matter how much they consumed your mind. Try not to wish them bad remember if you once cared for someone you want them to be happy even if it’s not with you. Wish them the best.

4. Keep your distance

If it’s someone you constantly see, try to avoid them. Separate yourself from your crush, avoid contact in any way, delete them from whatsapp, Facebook and unfollow them on twitter or Instagram. Keep your distance.

5. Don’t dwell on it

Don’t waste your time dwelling on things you can’t control. Don’t revolve your world around your crush, stop thinking about whether your crush will like your new pair of shoes or hairstyle. Avoid to think about him when you’re alone and go out have fun which brings us o our next point.

6. Flirt with someone new

Chances are it will take you a whole decade to get over someone if you stay at home watching chick flicks. Go out there, meet new people, find someone to crush on you. Someone new even if they are not your type, someone who can make you laugh and get butterflies in your stomach again and stop comparing them to your crush.

7. Don’t keep hoping

The mission here is to get over your crush, stop wishing and hoping they liked you back or things were different. Don’t think about the “what could have beens”. Deal with it and move on.

8. Make a list of all the bad things about your crush

Everyone has flows but somehow love makes people choose to overlook those flaws. Since you want to get over them, think about all the things you dislike about your crush more than what you like about them. Sooner you’ll realize this is not the kind of person you want to be with.

9. Take care of yourself

This is the time to get your groove back, hit the gym, get new wardrobe or change your hair. Anything to make yourself feel good. Clear your mind, your space and those fake memories you have with your crush.

10. Make sure you don’t relapse

This is the last thing you want to happen, always remind yourself this was not a real relationship, it never happened and they don’t like you back. Make sure you don’t relapse because you might never get back up so get over your crush for good.

Good luck!

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