King Mswati III Reportedly Attended India-Africa Summit With His 15 Wives, 30 Children & 100 Servants

Now that’s an entourage! Reports claim Swaziland’s King Mswati III bruoght along his fifteen wives and one hundred servants to the recent India-Africa Summit.
DNAIndia, an online platform reported that King Mswati arrived for the four-day summit last week accompanied by his 15 wives, 30 children and 100 servants.
Without disclosing the costs Mswati reportedly had over 200 rooms booked at a five-star hotel. CitiFMOnline and NewsWorldIndia reported the same story despite the absence of any photos online.
Swaziland’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Chief Mgwagwa Gamedze said the reports are lies and an attempt to try and taint the King’s name.
“There is absolutely nothing like that, the King is accompanied by one Inkhosikati – LaFogiyane – as it has always been the norm”, said Gamedze.