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Queen Vee’s life lesson

Making everyone happy is often the mission of many given some warm characters deep desire to never disappoint anyone. While it is always pleasing to make as many people happy Zimbabwean South African based artist Queen Vee recently gave a life lesson on the subject.

In an instagram post Queen Vee writes “you can’t make everyone happy, you are not chocolate”. The amusing post might seem a joke but deep thought invokes the reality of the measage given that too often a time people are stuck in a crisis created by the desire to please everyone.

Studies prove no matter what you do or how hard you try, people will always have an opinion about you. Often, it’s a negative opinion. They look at you with distaste and scorn. You can’t please those people no matter what you do. You can’t avoid them from talking and gossiping about you behind your back or even right in front of your face. And you shouldn’t bother trying either.

For this reason it is proven that one should not watse their energy trying to please everyone that they come across as characters differ and many people form opinions without even getting to know a person. Studies have shown that depression is often a result of one seeking to get the approval of everyone despite the harsh reality of hostile characters that may have a negative perception about you.

The nature of humanity is to talk. We talk about others in an attempt to feel better about ourselves. As such Queen Vee’s remarks are justified considering that people will always talk, and there’s not much you can do to please those people. They will always find something about you to talk about. That’s just the nature of groups and clicks. They’re almost cult-like in their nature. They feed off of negativity and seeing others hurt. But you simply have to ignore it. Develop thick skin and turn the other cheek.

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