Seh Calaz Dedicates Music to Fiancé

Seh Calaz released a six track record dedicated to his fiancé. He recently reconciled with his fiancée Moira Knight sometime back after a nasty break up.
The compilation is titled ‘Seh Calaz Lovers Reggae’. The project has love tracks including one titled, ‘Sorry’.
Seh Calaz shared in a post on his social media,
“Greetings to you all Mabhandit. Compliments of the new season! It’s better late than never so, here I am wishing you all a Happy new year. Just a quick asserveration to kick off the new year.
Firstly I want to take this opportunity to thank all my fans for the support shown in the last years leading up to this new year. In 2018 Seh Calaz music will be re-strategizing the key areas of the stable. We will begin by announcing the first batch of music project to be released this year.
A certain university dictionary describes Reggae as the following; “Popular music of Jamaican origin that combines native styles with elements of rock and soul music and is performed at moderate tempos with the accent on the offbeat.”
The terms ‘soul and music’ are exactly what this collection of singles is all about.
With valentines day being just over a month away, Seh Calaz prepares the listeners with a brand new compilation of music titled: ‘Seh Calaz Lovers Reggae’.
It focuses on one of the strongest topics in music and song writing, which is Love. The new collection features six different songs that all touch up on the typical outcomes of being in a relationship. These include ‘heartbreak and happiness.’
I will be announcing a new official manager for Seh Calaz music, whom I have handpicked for their indisputable passion, persistence and loyalty to the stable.”
Stream and download Seh Calaz Lovers Reggae here.