Zim netball team thrashes Sri Lanka at the Netball world cup.

The Zimbabwean netball national team, commonly reffered to as the gems, have just made history by winning against Sri Lanka in their opening match in Liverpool. The girls put up a stunning perfomance and thoroughly beat Sri Lanka 79 to 49 points. The match was held at M&S Bank arena. Olinda Chapel had afforded netball fans an opportunity to watch part of the match when she went live on Instagram and recorded the match. Many people had thanked her for the gesture since most parts of the country do not have electricity during the day to watch the match on television.
The gems surely kept their promise to make their country proud. The victory has seen praises being heaped upon the team by ecstatic fans who could not contain their joy. The gems travelled to Liverpool and received a warm welcome from fellow Zimbabweans living there. They were treated to a dinner and showered with gifts.
The vice captain of the team Felistas Kwanga had remarked a few days ago,”The people from this side, they are so amazing. It’s like we are just at home”. The support shown by fellow country men must have stirred the desire to win and not to disappoint. The captain of the team had also highlighted how they wished to win their matches because of the motivation that had been cultivated by supporters.
The gems are having stiff competition at the event with teams such as the USA also taking part. Although most people do not give much attention to Netball, the win by the girls has certainly caught the attention of many people who are now rooting for the gems to win the coveted trophy.