Celebrity News

Ndinyengeiwo girl reaches 10 000 facebook followers

Lorraine Guyo today celebrated a major milestone after celebrating having reached 10 000 facebook followers. Guyo rose to fame after posting a video titled Ndinyengeiwo which encouraged men to propose to her as Valentines day was fast approaching.

What first appeared as a disastrous whatsapp video is proving to be a perfect launching pad for Lorraine Guyo whose journey to stardom may not have come any better.

Since the release of the ndinyengeiwo video which captured the attention of many on social media, Lorraine Guyo has since landed partnerships with top corporates. Since rising to fame following the release of the ndinyengeiwo video Guyo has partnered with several top brands which include Steward Bank, Clothing shop Jan Jam and food outlet Mambo’s .

Since becoming famous after the release of ger popular video titled Ndinyengeiwo, Guyo has come up with other comic acts which have aroused the interest of social media. The naturally gifted comedian appears headed for great heights with comedy set be Guyo’s springboard.

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