Nguvayakwana gospel festival set for return

All is set for the return of the popular Nguvayakwana Gospel Festival which is poised to make a return in November. The concert is renowned for having attracted top gospel musicians before Ivy Kombo left the country some 12 years ago.
Kombo however recently returned home and announced the Nguvayakwana concert would be making a welcome return on the local gospel calendar.
The event organiser Ivy Kombo is a renowned gospel musician who churned out some hits before leaving the country headed for the United Kingdom in 2006. Kombo returned home only once in 2007 since leaving the country.
The announcement of the return of the Nguva Yakwana gospel festival ironically comes at a time artists had been clamouring for such initiatives. Popular gospel musician Blessing Shumba in December bemaoned lack of platforms such as the Nguvayakwana festival for artists to showcase their talent. As if to take heed of Shunba’s call Ivy Kombo has confirmed the Nguva Yakwana gospel festival will be held in November.
The gospel festival is expected to attract top local and international gospel musicians in what is sey to be a major boost to the local music industry.