Opportunity:Kofi Annan MBA Scholarships for Developing Country Students

Kofi Annan Foundation/ESMT
MBA Degree
Deadline: 30 Sept (annual)
Study in: Germany
Course starts Jan 2016
Brief description:
The Kofi Annan Business School Foundation provides fellowships for talented and motivated students from developing countries that allow them to obtain a one-year full-time MBA degree at ESMT.
Host Institution(s):
ESMT European School of Management and Technology, Germany in cooperation with the Kofi Annan Business Schools Foundation in The Hague, Netherlands.
Field(s) of study:
One-year, full-time Masters in Business Administration (MBA)
Number of Scholarships:
Up to five fellowships are available each year.
Target group:
Residents of one of the UN-listed LDCs, LLDCs, or of Palestine
Scholarship value/inclusions:
A Kofi Annan Fellowship for an MBA student has a value of € 58,000 and covers full tuition fees and course materials in addition to a living stipend of € 1,000 per month for the duration of the MBA program. The fellowship also covers one round-trip plane ticket to Berlin from the Fellow’s home.
Applicants must be resident in one of the UN’s Least Developed Countries (LDCs), Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs) or Palestine. Applications are encouraged from candidates who hold at least a bachelor’s degree from any academic discipline and demonstrate three years of post-graduate professional experience. All applicants are required to take the GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) before gaining admission to the ESMT Full-time MBA program.
After graduation, Fellows are expected to commit to returning to their home countries or regions to participate for at least three years in the development of the local or regional economy.
Application instructions:
Fellowships can be awarded only after a candidate has been admitted to the ESMT MBA program. Applications are only accepted online via ESMT’s website. Potential applicants may also submit a CV for a preliminary check to determine whether they are eligible to apply. The application deadline for the MBA is 30 September 2015.
It is important to read the 2015 Scholarship brochure and visit the official website (link found below) for detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship.
Official Scholarship Website: http://www.esmt.org/degree-programs/full-time-mba/scholarship-programs