Enzo ishall drops new video

Zimdancehall artist Enzo ishall has released a brand new video titled ‘Vanodheerera’. The song was shot in Budiriro and features the likes of Bhutisi, Gonyeti and Ray Vines of the vakukuzvi fame.
Enzo ishall’s new video is another revelation of the artist’s great talent and laid back character. He also show cased some great acting skills in the video.
The video speaks to situations in life whereby some people take others for granted as soon as they realize that their victim is harmless. Enzo said that as long as your enemy realizes that you cannot partake in witchcraft or other evil methods to wad them off,they will surely come at you with guns blazing.
The song seems to be a reflection of Enzo’s life. Since his rise to stardom, he has had his fair share of trials and tribulation. His wife assaulted him and later left him after she had had aight if his video 50 magate. He was later on publicly denounced for his explicit lyrics and videos.
However, Enzo seems not to be peturbed by such issues. He has consistently managed to releases chart topping tracks. He has even managed to stage international tours. Enzo ishall rose to fame with his song ‘Kanjiva’ which was a household hit. T was later on named sing of the year on the coca cola top 50 chart and on several radio and television stations.
His other songs such as ’50 magate’, ‘muchiround’ and ‘smary rinotangira kutsoka’ were all positively reviewed. He has collaborated with artists such as Buffalo souljah.