Zim celebs and their love for sadza

Sadza is the staple food for Zim. Most people simply love it and cannot survive without having a daily dosage of the thick, smooth delicacy.
Jah Prayzah recently posted images of his lunch. He helped himself to a large helping of assorted meats, relish and sadza. He said that it was part of the birthday celebrations for Dj Tamuka. Most people were shocked that such a big superstar with millions of followers could have a lunch of sadza albeit such a huge serving
Jah Prayzah defended his actions by citing that as a tall person, he ought to eat a generous portion of sadza. Even the look on the singer’s face said a thousand words about the way he was enjoying his meal.
Jah Prayzah has been gone further in releasing a song titled “Sadza nemuriwo”. Although some people have taken the song to mean sexual relations between a husband who as pid his bride price and his new wife, the fact still remains, Sadza is the main word.
Another celebrity who also showed off his heavy sadza lunch was Nash paints founder Tinashe Mutarisi. He said that after DJ Tamuka’s birthday celebration he was now enjoying himself with his sadza. The award winning businessman was evidently savouring the taste of Zim’s best delicacy.
Sadza has various types including millet sadza, sorghum sadza, high fibre and pearlenta. It is best served with vegetables and meat. Others love to pair it with sour milk, eggs, matemba and fish. The young and old love it. The rich and poor alike find themselves craving for it.